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The VET Recruiter® TV

Learn from animal health and veterinary recruitment expert, Stacy Pursell.

The VET Recruiter TV: Animal Health and Veterinary Television

In these episodes, Stacy Pursell, founder, and CEO of The VET Recruiter, provides hiring advice and career tips for Animal Health and Veterinary employers and Animal Health and Veterinary professionals. Stacy is a workforce and workplace expert within the Animal Health industry and Veterinary profession.

Below is every episode of The VET Recruiter TV, with the most recent TV episodes at the top of the page. Scroll through the episodes to find ones of interest and then click the appropriate link to watch the episode of your choice. Check back on a regular basis, as new episodes are posted on a regular basis.

Episode 54 – How a Search Consultant Can Help Protect an Employer

  Welcome to The VET Recruiter TV. This is Stacy Pursell. An employer protects itself in a number of different ways. For example, it hires lawyers to handle its legal affairs. It also hires accountants to handle its financial affairs. But what about in the area...

Episode 53 – Avoiding Interview Mistakes That Are Easy to Make

  Not only can a face-to-face interview with an Animal Health or Veterinary employer be nerve-racking, but it’s also exciting. Because of that, it can be easy to make a mistake during the job interview. It’s so easy, in fact, that some professionals don’t even...

Episode 51 – Simple Questions for Building and Growing Your Career

When it comes to growing your career, I’m a big proponent of being proactive. I don’t believe that a professional in the Animal Health industry or Veterinary profession can be reactive and reach their full potential. When you’re proactive, you’re exposed to more...

Episode 46 – The Future of Hiring in the Veterinary Profession

Not only are there plenty of employment opportunities in the marketplace right now for those in the Animal Health industry and Veterinary profession, but there should be plenty of opportunities for many years to come. What do I mean by that? Well, the Bureau of Labor...

Episode 44 – The Success Principles and Career Responsibility

  I am a huge fan of continuous learning and education throughout your career. I’m constantly learning new things about recruiting, the business world, the Animal Health industry and Veterinary profession, and the employment marketplace at large. Reading books is...

Episode 43 – State the Case for Your Candidacy in the Interview

  As a candidate, the face-to-face interview is a golden opportunity for you to impress the hiring manager and other company officials. Unfortunately, some candidates do not recognize that opportunity, and as a result, they fail to do the things necessary to set...

Episode 41 – Why Onboarding is Critical When Hiring Top Talent

  One of the most overlooked aspects of hiring top talent in the Animal Health industry and Veterinary profession is that of onboarding. However, successful onboarding is a critical step for employers hoping to hire the best candidates in the marketplace. Just...

Episode 38 – Reasons to Consider Changing Your Job and Employer

  How do you know when it’s time to consider looking for another employment opportunity? You may be relatively content with your current position, but how do you know if you should stay where you are . . . or whether you should start to seriously consider your...

Episode 37 – How to Evaluate a Job Offer (or Multiple Job Offers)

Salary and compensation are certainly important when you’re evaluating a job offer in the Animal Health industry or Veterinary profession. However, if you’re a top candidate in today’s market, you could receive multiple offers that include approximately the same level...

Episode 36 – The Pay-Increase Potential for Veterinarians

  If you work in the Veterinary profession, then you should be aware of the pay-increase potential that is available to you. According to an article published on TheLadders.com website earlier this year, being a veterinarian is the job that right now has the...

Episode 32 – How to Better Connect with the Millennial Generation

  One of the biggest challenges in the marketplace today for employers is dealing with the Millennial Generation. While it’s true that Millennials present challenges, the fact of the matter is that every generation provides its own unique set of challenges. The...

Episode 29 – Why Applying Through a Company’s Job Ad is Risky

  As a job seeker, before you can receive an offer of employment, you have to land a face-to-face interview. However, before that can happen, someone has to see your resume. In other words, someone at the organization has to know that you are interested in the...

Episode 28 – The Overriding Goal of the Face-to-Face Interview

In a previous video, I talked about the most important aspect of the face-to-face interview. That was conveying to the people conducting the interview the potential value that you could bring to the organization and the problems that you could solve. While that is the...

Episode 26 – Why Your Employer of Choice Trusts a Recruiter

  If you’re a professional in the Animal Science industry or Veterinary profession, then there’s an excellent chance that you’ll change jobs multiple times during your career. There’s also a good chance that there are certain companies and organizations that...

Episode 24 – Quick Tips for Resume Success

  If you construct and present your resume in the correct fashion, it could help you get a face-to-face interview with a potential new employer. That’s why it’s critical that you invest the proper amount of time and energy into creating it. With that in mind, I...

Episode 23 – How to Handle the Offer Stage as an Employer

  The offer stage of the hiring process is one of the most important and delicate parts of the process. That’s because this is when an organization extends an offer of employment and the candidate decides whether or not they’re going to accept it. Candidate...

Episode 21 – What You Must Prove to Attract Top Candidates

  If you’re an employer, you have a lot to prove to top candidates in today’s employment marketplace. However, there’s one very important thing that you must prove if you even want to get their attention in the first place. If you want to attract top candidates,...

Episode 20 – What Employers Want in the Hiring Process

  Being a candidate in an organization’s hiring process can be exciting. It can also be stressful. After all, changing jobs is one of the most stressful events in a person’s life. That’s why it’s important for job seekers and candidates to stay focused and on...

Episode 19 – The Philosophy That All Job Seekers Should Follow

  There is a philosophy that all job seekers and candidates should follow in the employment marketplace. In fact, I believe so strongly in this philosophy that I believe employees and hiring managers should follow it, as well. This philosophy is called The...

Episode 16 – Why You Should Apply for a Job Through One Channel

Job seekers and candidates sometimes think that if they apply for the same job through more than one channel, it increases the chances they will be considered for the job. While that might seem to make sense, the fact of the matter is that it does NOT increase those...

Episode 15 – The Importance of Integrity During the Hiring Process

Acting with integrity is crucial for job seekers and candidates who are seeking to reach their professional goals and grow their careers. However, it’s important to remember that acting with integrity is something you should do ALL of the time and not just some of the...

Episode 14 – What Candidates Want in the Hiring Process

In order to hire the most qualified person for your open position, you must keep candidates engaged throughout the interviewing and hiring process. If you don’t keep them engaged, then they will drop out of the process. The reason that they’ll do so is simple. We’re...

Episode 13 – Who Works with Recruiters and Why

  Who works with recruiters? This is a question that some people ask. I’ve been a recruiter for more than 20 years, and I can tell you that both companies and job seekers, or candidates, work with recruiters. That’s because recruiters can help in one of two main...

Episode 12 – The Biggest Career Myth and Why to Avoid It

There are many myths that exist in the employment marketplace for Animal Health and Veterinary professionals. While all of them can be harmful, there’s one that is particularly dangerous for people to believe. That myth is the belief that you’ll have your current job...

Episode 11 – The 2 Main Ways That People Grow Their Careers

  It’s true that there is more than one way to grow your career. In fact, there are two main ways that Animal Health and Veterinary professionals grow their careers. First, you can grow your career with your current employer. You can move up through the ranks of...

Episode 10 – The Best Time to Look for a New Job

When is the best time to look for a new job? Many people might answer that question by saying, “When you don’t have a job and you need one!” However, that is the worst time for an Animal Health or Veterinary professional to look for a job. The reason is simple: when...

Episode 9 – What It Takes to Hire the Best Candidates

Hiring the best candidates in the marketplace involves more than just posting an online job advertisement. All posting a job advertisement does is attract those candidates who are already looking for a new job. To hire the best, you must widen your candidate pool....

Episode 8 – People Change Jobs More Frequently These Days

The job market has changed in a number of different ways during the last several years. One of those ways involves the length of time that professionals spend with their employers. It used to be that a person had to spend at least five years with each of their...

Episode 7 – What is a Candidates’ Market?

What exactly IS a candidates’ market? For those who don’t know, it’s an important question. The answer to the question is connected to the U.S. economy, which is either in one of two states. Either it’s a recessionary economy or it’s a recovering economy. The Great...

Episode 6 – Why You Should NOT Accept a Counteroffer

Let’s say that you accept an offer of employment from another company and submit your resignation. Then your boss makes you a counteroffer that includes a substantial raise. There are many reasons why you should not accept that counteroffer. First of all, you should...

Episode 5 – What It Means to Accept an Offer of Employment

Before I talk about what it means to accept on offer of employment from an organization, I want to identify what accepting an offer is NOT. When you accept an offer, you are NOT saying the following: “Yes, I accept your offer of employment, unless my current employer...

Episode 4 – Your LinkedIn Profile is NOT Your Resume

There is no doubt that social media has had a tremendous impact on the employment marketplace. The social media platform that’s had the most impact has been LinkedIn. However, as a job seeker or candidate, you should understand that your LinkedIn profile is NOT your...

Episode 3 – “The Best Person for Your Open Position”

When a company looks to hire a new employee, they want to hire the best. But more often than not, the best candidates in the industry are gainfully employed, highly regarded by their current employers, and not looking for a new position. As a result, these candidates...

Episode 2 – “Don’t Let Fear Hold You Back”

  If you’re truly looking to grow in your career, I have an important question for you: Are you going to let the fear of change stop you from moving forward? Fear of change and of the unknown are natural emotions. It’s normal to experience fear when considering a...

Episode 1 – “Not Open to Opportunity”

  Hello, I’m Stacy Pursell. This year, I started my 20th year in executive search, and during that time I’ve learned that there are two kinds of people. There are those who are OPEN to opportunity and there are those who are NOT open to opportunity. In fact, not...

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