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Relocation – Consider All the Facts and Determine Your Priorities


Your home and career life are firmly planted. Is it fair to ask your family to uproot their lives for the sake of your career?
Gauge what is most important when considering relocation by asking yourself the following questions:

  • Is this position more beneficial for my family in regard to income and benefits?
  • Will our children be able to adjust to the move?
  • Will this part of the country that we are relocating to benefit my family?
  • Will my spouse be able to find a job?
  • Will this position be essential for furthering my career? Or not?
  • What will we gain or lose by relocating?

Now is the time to do some soul-searching and discuss the options with your family. Research the area where you would be relocating. After doing these things, you should be closer to a decision.

Relocation Tools
Salary Comparison
Cost of Living Analysis 
Mortgage Calculator
Moving Cost Estimate
Relocation Resources

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