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Whoever Has the Best Talent Wins

Established in 1997

Your trusted partner for Animal Health and Veterinary Recruitment

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If you’re an employer, you have a lot to prove to top candidates in today’s employment marketplace. However, there’s one very important thing that you must prove if you even want to get their attention in the first place.

If you want to attract top candidates, then you must prove that the employment opportunity you’re presenting to them is better than the job they currently have.

The reason for this is simple: in the vast majority of cases, a top candidate will NOT make a lateral move. A top candidate will not be interested in a job that they don’t believe is better than what they already have.

Unless you can convince top candidates that your employment opportunity is better, they will not enter your organization’s hiring process. They must be persuaded to do so. This is why using online job advertisements is only effective to a certain point.

An online job ad can not find the best candidates because these candidates are typically not looking for a new position. An online job ad can not convince these candidates that your employment opportunity is better because the advertisement doesn’t know what job they currently have.

When it comes to persuading and convincing top candidates, a search consultant has experience identifying and recruiting exactly these types of candidates. They know precisely what it takes to attract top talent and convince them that they should consider working for your organization.

If you’re an employer, you have a lot to prove to top candidates in today’s marketplace, but the right recruiter can help you prove it. A recruiter can help you get the right candidate’s attention and convince them to consider your opportunity.

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