• The VET Recruiter
  • TVR Executive Search

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I’ve noticed a troubling trend in the employment marketplace recently, and that trend is candidates who are afraid to resign. I’m talking about candidates who have received an offer of employment with another organization or they’re close to receiving one.

These candidates decided to pursue another employment opportunity. They entered the hiring process of another organization. Then they interviewed for a new position and interviewed well. And after all of that, they hesitate because they’re afraid to resign. Most of the time, the reason the candidate is afraid is because they are afraid to tell their boss at their current and soon-to-be-former employer. Typically, the candidate is afraid their boss will be angry that they’re resigning. In a few of the cases, the candidate has been afraid that once their boss became angry, they would ultimately turn down the other offer and stay with their current employer.

Regardless of the circumstances involved, Animal Health and Veterinary professionals should NOT be afraid to resign. After all, if a candidate is afraid of their boss, aren’t they making the right move in pursuing another employment opportunity? And if the candidate ends up staying at their current employer because their boss is angry that they’re leaving, will they ever leave the organization?

By being afraid to resign, a candidate is giving control of their life over to someone else. They’re allowing someone else to make life decisions for them. The bottom line is that if you want to enjoy rewards, then you have to take risks . . . even if it means the risk of making someone angry. Remember that you can’t please everyone. You have to do what is best for your career and your family.

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