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Episode #315 – Work-Life Integration and Your Animal Health or Veterinary Career

The Vet Recruiter®
The Vet Recruiter®
Episode #315 - Work-Life Integration and Your Animal Health or Veterinary Career

Caleb: Welcome to “The Animal Health and Veterinary Employment Insider,” brought to you by The VET Recruiter. In this podcast, Animal Health executive recruiter and Veterinary recruiter Stacy Pursell of The VET Recruiter provides insight and practical advice for both employers and job seekers in the Animal Health and Veterinary industries. The VET Recruiter’s focus is to solve talent-centric problems for the Animal Health industry and Veterinary profession. In fact, The VET Recruiter’s mission is to help Animal Health and Veterinary companies hire top talent, while helping Animal Health and Veterinary professionals attain career-enhancing opportunities that increase their quality of life.

Today, we’ll be talking about work-life integration and your Animal Health or Veterinary career. Stacy, thank you for joining us today.

Stacy: Hi, everyone. Great to be here with you, Caleb. And today, we have an intriguing topic to explore, one that’s relevant to many industries, including the Animal Health industry and Veterinary profession.

Caleb: That’s right, Stacy. We’re discussing the concept of work-life integration, a shift from the traditional notion of work-life balance. And of course, to help us navigate this topic, we’re going to draw upon your experience and expertise as an executive recruiter and search consultant. You’ve been a recruiter for more than 25 years now, is that right?

Stacy: Yes, that’s right, and I’ve seen so much during that time. There is no doubt that the Animal Health industry and Veterinary profession come with unique challenges and stressors. That’s one of the reasons why I wanted to explore why work-life integration might be a better approach for people to take.

Caleb: Absolutely. So, “work-life balance” has been a buzzword in recent years. Why is that, and what’s the conventional understanding of work-life balance?

Stacy: Well, Caleb, the phrase “work-life balance” gained popularity as people increasingly sought a way to manage their professional responsibilities while still having time for personal life. The conventional understanding of work-life balance involves a clear separation between work and personal life. The goal is to allocate a set amount of time and energy to each area, maintaining a strict boundary between the two.

Caleb: But it seems this traditional approach might not be ideal for all professionals in the Animal Health industry and Veterinary profession. Why is that?

Stacy: Caleb, these professions come with unique challenges, especially the Veterinary profession which can include long working hours, emergency cases, emotional involvement with patients and owners, and the weight of life-and-death decisions. The rigid approach of work-life balance can be challenging for some professionals who often encounter unpredictable situations, like critical patient cases or unexpected emergencies. It can lead to increased stress as they struggle to balance their work responsibilities with personal time and relaxation.

Caleb: And no one needs more stress, especially in professions where emotions often run high. So, what’s the alternative?

Stacy: The concept of “work-life integration” as an alternative to work-life balance. Instead of striving for a clear separation, work-life integration encourages individuals to find ways to incorporate work and personal activities harmoniously. It’s about allowing for a more fluid distribution of time and energy between the two spheres.

Caleb: That sounds intriguing, Stacy. So, what are some reasons why professionals in the Animal Health industry and Veterinary profession might consider shifting towards work-life integration?

Stacy: There are eight main reasons, Caleb. First, work-life integration offers additional flexibility. It recognizes that work and personal life are interconnected, allowing professionals to weave their responsibilities and activities together. This flexibility enables them to adapt to sudden changes without feeling overwhelmed, which can reduce stress levels.

Caleb: That adaptability sounds like a valuable trait, especially in professions that can be so unpredictable. What’s the second reason?

Stacy: The second reason is about taking a holistic approach to time management. Work-life integration encourages professionals to view time as a holistic resource that can be allocated dynamically. This perspective promotes efficient time management, as they can prioritize tasks based on immediate importance, reducing the pressure of adhering to rigid schedules.

Caleb: So, it’s not about fitting everything into predefined time slots but managing time more fluidly. What’s next?

Stacy: Exactly, Caleb. The third reason is adaptation to modern work dynamics. With remote work, telemedicine, and flexible schedules becoming more common, work-life integration aligns with these changes, ensuring that professionals can thrive in a changing environment while maintaining their overall well-being.

Caleb: And as the world of work evolves, it’s crucial to adapt to these new dynamics. What’s the fourth reason?

Stacy: The fourth reason is enhanced focus and productivity. When professionals integrate work and personal activities, they can achieve a state of heightened focus and productivity. Engaging in personal interests and hobbies outside of work serves as a mental break, leading to improved concentration and renewed enthusiasm when returning to professional tasks.

Caleb: That mental refreshment can make a significant difference in productivity. What’s next on the list?

Stacy: The fifth reason is about reducing guilt and burnout. Traditional work-life balance often leads to guilt and burnout, as professionals feel torn between their work obligations and the desire to spend quality time with loved ones. Work-life integration eliminates this guilt by allowing for a more balanced distribution of time and attention.

Caleb: So, by embracing work-life integration, Veterinary professionals can avoid that constant sense of guilt. What’s number six?

Stacy: The sixth reason is the promotion of self-care. Veterinary professionals are often so dedicated to their patients’ well-being that they neglect their own self-care. Work-life integration emphasizes the importance of self-care, empowering individuals to prioritize their physical and mental health alongside their professional responsibilities.

Caleb: It’s crucial to take care of oneself to be able to care for others effectively. What’s the seventh reason?

Stacy: The seventh reason is enhanced emotional well-being. Caring for animals and addressing the concerns of their owners can take an emotional toll on Veterinary professionals. Work-life integration encourages professionals to acknowledge and manage their emotions in a holistic manner, recognizing that personal activities and hobbies can serve as outlets for stress relief and emotional rejuvenation.

Caleb: That emotional balance is essential in professions where empathy and compassion are such key components. What’s the final reason?

Stacy: The eighth reason is about strengthening relationships. Work-life integration fosters stronger personal relationships by allowing professionals to allocate time for their families, friends, and social interactions. Strengthening these relationships contributes to emotional well-being and acts as a support system during challenging times.

Caleb: So, it’s not just about work but also about nurturing personal connections. Now, Stacy, the benefits of work-life integration are clear, but how can Animal Health and Veterinary professionals actually integrate their work life and personal life effectively?

Stacy: That’s a great question, Caleb. Shifting from a traditional work-life balance perspective to a work-life integration approach involves a deliberate change in mindset and practice. It requires redefining the boundaries between professional and personal spheres. I have 10 steps to guide professionals in achieving work-life integration.

Caleb: Let’s dive into those steps. What’s the first one?

Stacy: The first step is to shift your mindset. Embrace the idea that work and personal life are interconnected and that one can enhance the other. Recognize that achieving a sense of fulfillment may require blending activities from both realms.

Caleb: So, it starts with changing your perspective. What’s the second step?

Stacy: The second step is to set clear goals for both work and personal life. Identify key priorities and allocate time and effort accordingly, ensuring that each area receives adequate attention without sacrificing the other.

Caleb: Goal-setting is essential for effective time management. What’s the third step?

Stacy: The third step involves prioritizing a flexible schedule. Move away from rigid schedules and explore flexible work arrangements. This might involve negotiating remote work options, flexible hours, or compressed workweeks, allowing individuals to accommodate personal responsibilities without compromising professional commitments.

Caleb: Flexibility can make a significant difference in achieving work-life integration. What’s next?

Stacy: The fourth step is to set technological boundaries. Establish clear boundaries for technology use. Designate specific times for checking emails and work-related notifications, preventing work from encroaching on personal time.

Caleb: Technological boundaries can help prevent work from taking over your personal life. What’s the fifth step?

Stacy: The fifth step is about integrating tasks and activities. Look for opportunities to combine work and personal tasks. For instance, participate in work-related events or workshops that align with personal interests, or incorporate personal activities, like exercise, into your work routine.

Caleb: So, it’s about finding synergies between different aspects of your life. What’s the sixth step?

Stacy: The sixth step emphasizes transparent communication. Have open and honest conversations with supervisors, colleagues, and family members. Articulate your work-life integration approach to ensure everyone is on the same page and supportive of your choices.

Caleb: Effective communication is key to making this approach work. What’s the seventh step?

Stacy: The seventh step is making self-care a priority. Prioritize self-care and well-being. Schedule regular breaks, engage in hobbies, and make time for relaxation. Integrating these activities into your routine can boost productivity and overall satisfaction.

Caleb: Taking care of yourself is a fundamental aspect of work-life integration. What’s the eighth step?

Stacy: The eighth step is about regularly evaluating the outcomes of your work-life integration approach. Are you achieving your goals in both areas? Are you experiencing reduced stress and improved satisfaction?

Caleb: Regular assessment is crucial to ensuring that your approach is working effectively. What’s step number nine?

Stacy: The ninth step is about being prepared to make adjustments. Life circumstances change, and your approach may need tweaking to maintain a harmonious integration.

Caleb: Flexibility and adaptability are key themes here, it seems. And finally, what’s the tenth step?

Stacy: The tenth step encourages those in leadership positions to lead by example. Model work-life integration behaviors for your team. Encourage open conversations about integrating work and personal life and support your employees in finding their own successful approaches.

Caleb: Leading by example can be a powerful way to promote this approach within your organization. So, those are the ten steps to effective work-life integration.

Stacy: Absolutely, Caleb. And I think it’s important to note that while these steps may seem challenging, they’re worth pursuing for the benefits they offer, especially in industries like Animal Health and Veterinary care.

Caleb: Stacy, we’re just about out of time, so is there anything else that you’d like to add before we wrap up today’s podcast episode?

Stacy: Yes, I’d like to mention one more thing. Unfortunately, many individuals find themselves trapped in jobs that do not align with their desired work-life balance. In such circumstances, it’s important to consider exploring other employment opportunities as a means to regain control over one’s life and happiness.

First, pursuing different job prospects can lead to improved mental health and overall quality of life. When we spend a significant portion of our lives at work, it is essential that our jobs bring us fulfillment and contentment. Constantly enduring a work situation that leaves us feeling drained or unsatisfied can lead to burnout, anxiety, and even depression.

Second, diverse job experiences can foster personal growth and skill development. When we step outside our comfort zones and embrace new challenges, we often acquire new skills and perspectives. Changing jobs can provide the chance to learn new things, build a broader professional network, and adapt to different work environments. These experiences not only make us more adaptable, but also enhance our overall employability in an ever-evolving job market.

Third, seeking alternative employment opportunities encourages self-reflection and goal setting. It prompts individuals to assess their long-term career aspirations and identify what truly matters to them. By actively exploring other options, individuals can align their career paths with their life goals and values, and this can lead to a more satisfying and fulfilling work-life integration.

Caleb: Now, before we wrap up, it’s worth mentioning that The VET Recruiter caters specifically to Veterinary, Animal Health, and Pet Care industries.

Stacy: That’s right, Caleb. We understand the unique needs and challenges of professionals in these fields and can help connect them with opportunities that support work-life integration.

Caleb: So, if you’re considering a change or exploring new employment options,  The VET Recruiter could be valuable resources to consider.

Stacy: Absolutely, Caleb. We help Animal Health companies and Veterinary practices recruit top talent for the critical needs of their organizations.  At the same time, we help Animal Health professionals and veterinarians enhance their careers.

Caleb: How can the members of our listening audience contact you, Stacy?

Stacy: They can visit The VET Recruiter website at www.thevetrecruiter.com, and if you’re listening to this podcast episode, then you might already be on the site. I would recommend navigating to the “Contact Us” section in the main navigation, where you’ll see multiple ways in which you can reach out to us.

Caleb: Stacy, thank you so much for joining us today and for all of this great information about work-life integration and your Animal Health or Veterinary career.

Stacy:. It’s been my pleasure, Caleb and I look forward to our next episode of The Animal Health and Veterinary Employment Insider!

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