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Why You Need an ‘Elevator Pitch’ for Career Growth and How to Create One

It appears as though the employment marketplace is in a constant state of flux, especially lately. It seems there are new trends and developments around every corner and what was true just a few years ago—like the definition of a “job hopper”—has changed dramatically.

However, there are some things related to the job market and your Animal Health or Veterinary career that have not changed. And one of those things is the “elevator pitch” or “elevator speech.”

The why, when, and where of your pitch

According to Wikipedia, an elevator pitch is a “short description of an idea, product, or company that explains the concept in a way such that any listener can understand it in a short period of time.” How short of a period of time? The amount of time it takes to ride in an elevator, which explains the name. In case you’re wondering, the average elevator ride is between 30 to 60 seconds, so keep that in mind as you create your pitch.

Before we get to creating your pitch, though, let’s briefly address why you need an elevator pitch for your Animal Health or Veterinary career. Your biggest asset as professional is the value that you can offer to an employer. That value is the accumulation of your talent, skills, and experience, all of which should be increasing throughout your career. The key is to communicate this value as often as you can and as effectively as you can. This is where your elevator pitch can help.

That’s the “why” of your pitch, but what about the “when” and “where”?

The most common instance in which you would deliver your elevator pitch is, if you can believe it, not in an elevator. It’s during an interview, specifically when you’re asked to tell the interviewers about yourself. You could go off on a tangent about your hobbies and other fun facts about yourself, but what they want to know most of all is about the value that you can offer to their organization. After all, that’s why they’re interviewing you in the first place.

However, during an interview is not the only instance in which you can deliver your elevator pitch. One of the positive aspects of having a pitch is that you can deliver it almost anywhere, since it’s only 30 to 60 seconds. It could be on an elevator. It could be in a taxi. It could be while waiting in line somewhere or at a tradeshow or convention. You never know when a networking opportunity is going to present itself, and taking advantage of such opportunities is one of the ways you can grow your Animal Health or Veterinary career.

How to create your elevator pitch

There are multiple steps involved in creating your elevator pitch, and this is certainly a case in which preparation is critical for success:

#1—Start with who you are.

Within a professional perspective, this includes your job title. You could also include your employer, although that’s not absolutely necessary, especially if you’re interviewing for a position with another organization at the time.

#2—Explain what you do and how you do it.

This applies to what you do on a daily basis, but should not read like a list of duties and responsibilities. Try to take a more comprehensive approach and frame what you do with a big-picture perspective that will more easily register and connect with the other person. Keep in mind that the manner in which you do what you do can serve as a differentiator and help to grab the other person’s attention early in your pitch.

#3—Explain the results of your work and what makes you unique.

This is perhaps the most important part of your elevator pitch because this is where you make reference to the value that you provide. Ideally, it should be unique value, which is the heart of your pitch. What can you do that not many other people can do? What are the results that you achieve that would be of interest to other people?

#4—Add a conversation starter at the beginning.

This is an optional “icebreaker” designed to start the dialogue, especially if you’re interacting with a complete stranger. Keep it short, if possible, since you only have 30 seconds or so with which to work. It’s optional because it depends upon the setting in which you find yourself. If it’s an interview, you probably don’t need an icebreaker since introductions have already been made. But if you’re interacting with someone who you just met on an elevator, then it’s more applicable.

#5—Edit what you’ve written and record your pitch.

You’re not going to write a perfect elevator pitch the first time. Making revisions is part of the process, and that’s why you must record your pitch and listen to it. When you say something, it might sound differently when you listen to it outside of your head. Keep rewriting and editing your pitch until you’re satisfied with what you hear.

#6—Practice, practice, practice!

This is another important part of the process of creating and refining your elevator pitch. That’s because you must be prepared to the point where you’re able to give your pitch almost at a moment’s notice. You never know who you’re going to meet and under what circumstances.

In addition, you want to make sure that you deliver the pitch in a regular and pleasant cadence. You don’t want it to sound rushed because you’re trying to say it in less than 30 seconds. It should sound relaxed and natural, and an adequate amount of practice can help you to achieve that. (Obviously, this means memorizing your pitch. You’re not going to pull out a piece of paper during an interview or on an elevator and read it.)

To help you create your own elevator pitch (or further refine your pitch if you’ve already created it), I have an example of a pitch. In fact, it’s my pitch:

“My name is Stacy Pursell, and I am an Executive Recruiter for the Animal Health industry and Veterinary profession. I’m a workplace/workforce expert. I help Animal Health and Veterinary businesses hire top talent to help their business grow while at the same time helping Animal Health and Veterinary professionals attain career-enhancing opportunities that allow them to achieve the quality of life they seek. I enjoy helping companies solve their hiring challenges by providing the best candidates in the marketplace and not just the best candidates who are ‘looking’ for a position. I strive to create ‘win-win’ opportunities that are mutually beneficial for both parties.”

The value of an Animal Health or Veterinary recruiter

No matter what happens in the job market and no matter how many things change, being able to communicate the value that you can provide will never go out of style. This means the elevator pitch will stay relevant and should be one of the tools that you use to grow your Animal Health or Veterinary career.

Another tool is an experienced and reputable recruiting firm that has experience helping professionals just like you. Unless you expect to retire with your current employer, you will one day accept an offer of employment from another organization. And if that’s the case, then it makes sense to be ready to both consider and explore other opportunities when they arise. This is the value of an Animal Health recruiter or Veterinary recruiter. They can keep you apprised of the opportunities that exist in the job market so that you can make a move when it makes sense.

If you’re looking to make a change or explore your employment options in your Animal Health or Veterinary career, then we want to talk with you. I encourage you to contact us or you can also create a profile and/or submit your resume for consideration.

We help support careers in one of two ways: 1. By helping Animal Health and Veterinary professionals to find the right opportunity when the time is right, and 2. By helping to recruit top talent for the critical needs of Animal Health and Veterinary organizations. If this is something that you would like to explore further, please send an email to stacy@thevetrecruiter.com.

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