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Why Social Media Can’t Replace Search Firms, Part 2

In our February blog post, we discussed how social media cannot, in fact, replace search firms in companies’ quest to find the best candidates for their open positions.  Why is that?

Because identifying, recruiting, and hiring the people you need to help take your company to the next level requires a concerted, intensive, calculated, and coordinated effort, and search firms specialize in providing that kind of effort.

In other words, using social media is like hunting with an Uzi submachine gun from a great distance.  Using a search firm, on the other hand, is like hunting with a high-powered rifle, complete with a scope and all the trimmings.

But it goes beyond that, mainly because you can’t rely upon social media sites and tools to serve up passive superstar candidates on a plate.  Those are the candidates for whom you’re looking, correct?

The fact of the matter is that social media sites are full of active job seekers.  LinkedIn is a prime example.  It’s teeming with candidates who are only too eager to connect with you and prove that they’re worthy to work at your company.

That’s all fine and good, but wouldn’t you rather find candidates who . . .

  • Are so busy with projects at their current company that they don’t have much time for social media?
  • Possess the type of talent and ability that cause companies to chase them (instead of the other way around)?
  • Are a verifiable “diamond in the rough” and will be a tremendous asset to the company that’s able to successfully find them, recruit them, and hire them?

Believe it or not, there are some superstar passive candidates who are de-activating their LinkedIn accounts.  Crazy, you might say?  Not to them.  They receive up to 15 or 20 solicitations per day regarding open jobs at companies just like yours.  Not only are they not entertaining those offers, but they’re also making sure that they’re no longer found easily through social media.

And that’s just it—social media has the capability to bring you low-hanging fruit.  But the really good, ripe candidates?  They’re higher up on the tree, and you’ll need somebody with the expertise and experience necessary to pick them and put them in your company basket.

That’s not an easy task, but if you want the very best fruit (employees), it’s a job for the very best search firm.

And not a job that social media can handle.

If you have any questions about this article or about how we can help provide solutions for identifying, recruiting, and hiring the right candidates, contact Stacy at stacy@thevetrecruiter.com.  You can also see more about our recruiting process at www.theveterecruiter.com.

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