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Whoever Has the Best Talent Wins

Established in 1997

Your trusted partner for Animal Health and Veterinary Recruitment

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Why A Recruiter

How a Recruiter Can Help Improve Your Business


The VET Recruiter ® is a full-service Animal Health executive search firm and Veterinary recruitment specialist. We help companies of all sizes throughout the United States locate and hire the best candidates for their specific needs. We partner with companies who have critical needs for veterinarians and other professionals in the Animal Health / Veterinary Industry. We work extensively with pharmaceutical companies, pet food companies, veterinary practice owners and other types of companies in the industry.

A highly-competitive labor market is forcing employers to consider new and creative ways to find qualified candidates. Employers realize that candidates have more choices and that old recruiting methods, such as placing classified ads, are no longer effective.

Also, the candidate that you are looking for is probably not looking for you. The candidate that you want is most likely happily employed and not actively looking for a new position such as yours.

That is where we come in. We seek out the candidates who are qualified for your job opening and make them aware of your opportunity. We save you the time and legwork, freeing up your time to do what you do best, which is probably running your business while you leave the search and recruiting process to the professionals.

The Vet Recruiter Why A Recruiter 1

Why should you use a recruiter?

Your company should use a recruiter because the best people aren’t looking for a job — they are already working. These are the proven performers who are in the top five or ten percent of their profession. They don’t typically read the “help-wanted” ads, they don’t keep their resumes circulating, and they don’t visit the employment agencies. If you want to hire these people you have to find them, because they aren’t searching for you. Identifying and approaching these hidden prospects is not an easy task, but that’s what trained recruiters do every day. Also, a trained recruiter can help you avoid mistakes in the hiring process by providing an objective analysis of a candidate and can save you time by screening candidates against your requirements. Finally, a recruiter can preserve your anonymity when it is critical to do so.

When does it make sense to use a recruiter?

Using a recruiter is crucial when the position you need to fill is important to your company. A recruiter specializes in finding serious career-minded people, the kind of achievers who aren’t interested in limited or dead-end positions. If the position is relatively unimportant to your company’s future, don’t use a recruiter. Instead, use an employment agency or place your own help-wanted ads.
How is a recruiter different from an employment agency?

The biggest difference is that recruiters work for you. Also, most recruiters specialize in finding people for technical or middle-to-upper management positions.

How much does it cost to use a recruiter?

Most recruiting is performed on a contingency basis, meaning if the recruiter doesn’t complete the assignment, you don’t pay. If you hire one of the recruiter’s candidates, the usual fee is somewhere between 25% and 33% of the new employee’s first-year compensation. The VET Recruiter ® performs searches on a retained and contingency basis and we have a third option- the hybrid which is a hybrid of a retained and contingency search which is popular with some of our clients.

The Vet Recruiter Why A Recruiter 2Is it important for recruiters to have experience in your industry?

It is important that recruiters have experience in your industry because they will improve your chance of getting good people with the specific experience you need. They understand the candidates’ language, they’ll understand their accomplishments, they’ll see through their exaggerations, and they will make a better impression on your behalf. Experience within a particular industry also allows recruiters to save time. They more readily understand your job description and what is important to your situation. They will also have a better knowledge of where to start looking or where not to look for qualified candidates.

Should you use more than one recruiter on an assignment?

Generally, it is almost always best to establish a good relationship with your recruiter and use them exclusively on assignments. There are risks associated with using multiple recruiters to fill the same position. Multiple recruiters will eventually cross paths in the search for candidates. When prospective candidates hear about the same job from several recruiters, your company may develop a reputation as a “revolving door”, where turnover is a problem. Your company many become known as one that raids other companies for their personnel. Another risk is that you might scare away candidates. The best people are conscientious and don’t want to take time off to interview for a job that apparently is being offered to many of their peers.

How important is an ongoing relationship with a recruiter?

An ongoing relationship with your recruiter is just as important as having a good relationship with your attorney, banker or insurance agent. Good recruiters are particularly valuable if you have frequent hiring needs. If the recruiter is already familiar with your company, they should be able to respond much more quickly to your needs. Good recruiters keep up with industry trends, employee benefits, compensation and personnel planning. Recruiters are more likely to give their best clients the best service, even on smaller assignments.

How can you judge a recruiter’s performance?

There are certain indicators that will help you determine whether the recruiter is doing a good job. First, look at who’s actually working on the assignment. Are they professional in their day-to-day contact with you? Second, look at the candidates who have been presented to you. Do they meet your criteria for experience and skills? Are they prepared for the interview?

Why should you consider The VET Recruiter®?

You should consider the VET Recruiter for many reasons. First, we have high standards for performance. We are results-oriented, hard-working professionals who only recommend the best qualified candidates to our clients. Secondly, we are a well-established search firm with close to fifteen years of experience and a proven track record of success in completing hundreds of assignments within the Animal Health /Veterinary/Pet Products Industries. We take the search and recruiting business, the future of our company and our clients’ success very seriously. Our ongoing planning keeps us focused on our primary goal.

The VET Recruiter® has a simple mission – helping our clients and candidates achieve their goals by building long-term relationships based on trust, professionalism, and results. We’ve placed hundreds of professionals including executives, managers, veterinarians, sales reps, etc. in areas including professional services, research and development, pharmacovigilance, regulatory affairs, marketing, sales, etc. with large industry leaders, midsize and ‘start up’ companies, non profits, as well as in veterinary hospitals. We have helped build start up organizations from the ground floor.

We specialize in the Animal Health and Nutrition, Veterinary, Agribusiness, Life Sciences & Pet Products industries and are industry insiders. By being on the front lines talking with hundreds of Animal Health, Pet Industry and Veterinary Professionals every week, we have unique insight on what’s going on in the market before news hits the street. We know who the top players are, both employers and candidates, and are the firm that they call FIRST when they need a search partner on whom they they can depend.

With our singular focus on Animal Health, Veterinary & Pet Products, there is no firm better connected in this market. Whether you need to hire one person or a team of people, or are looking to make your next career move, no one can help you achieve your goals faster and more effectively than the VET Recruiter®.

In addition to executive search we now provide a full range of consulting services including Succession Planning, General Consulting and Mergers and Acquisitions.

To inquire about services provided by the VET recruiter, please contact Stacy Pursell through our contact form, or call 918-488-3901.

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