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There are many myths that exist in the employment marketplace for Animal Health and Veterinary professionals. While all of them can be harmful, there’s one that is particularly dangerous for people to believe.

That myth is the belief that you’ll have your current job for as long as you want it.

There’s a good chance that everybody who has ever been laid off held this belief . . . right up until the moment they were laid off. This is human nature. When you’ve never been laid off, you’re more likely to believe that it can’t or won’t happen to you.

And when you believe that, then you’re more likely to become complacent. Complacency can lead to carelessness, and both of those traits can make you more vulnerable professionally.

Not only that, but we also live in an age of mergers and acquisitions. This is a business reality that has become more commonplace during the past several years. In these types of situations, people do lose their jobs, and in many cases, it has nothing to do with poor performance. It’s simply that the companies are eliminating the duplication of efforts within their organization.

So avoid this career myth. It’s the biggest myth that exists in the employment marketplace. Instead, recognize the realities that exist in the workforce, be proactive, and take control of your career!

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