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Episode #56 – Animal Health Jobs and Veterinary Jobs

The Vet Recruiter®
The Vet Recruiter®
Episode #56 - Animal Health Jobs and Veterinary Jobs

Sharita: Welcome to “The Animal Health Employment Insider,” brought to you by The VET Recruiter. In this podcast, Executive Search Consultant and Recruiter Stacy Pursell, founder and CEO of The VET Recruiter, provides insight and practical advice for both companies and job seekers in the Animal Health Industry and Veterinary Profession. The VET Recruiter’s mission is to help Animal Health and Veterinary Organizations hire top talent, while helping Animal Health and Veterinary Professionals attain career-enhancing opportunities that increase their quality of life.


In today’s podcast, we’ll be talking about Animal Health Jobs and Veterinary Jobs within the scope of the employment marketplace. Hello, Stacy, and welcome to the podcast.


Stacy: Hello Sharita, I’m glad to be here today.


Sharita: Stacy, today we’ll be discussing the subject of jobs. Of course, as an Animal Health Recruiter and Veterinary Recruiter, you have an extensive knowledge about this topic, especially within the areas of Animal Health and the Veterinary field.


Stacy: That’s right. The VET Recruiter is an executive search and Animal Health and Veterinary recruitment firm working on a global basis. We deal with Animal Health jobs and Veterinary jobs on a daily basis.


Sharita: We’ve also discussed the mission of The VET Recruiter before, but could you state it again for our listeners?


Stacy: Absolutely. Our mission at The VET Recruiter is two-fold. First, we want to help Animal Health companies and Veterinary businesses acquire the top talent that helps them to increase their bottom line. Second, we want to help professionals attain career-enhancing Animal Health and Veterinary jobs that allow them to achieve the quality of life they seek.


Sharita: We’ve also discussed the concept of a candidates’ job market before, but what effect does that type of market have on professionals who are seeking Animal Health jobs or Veterinary jobs?


Stacy: Once again, in a candidates’ market, candidates have more options in terms of their employment opportunities and their career. That’s because were still in a recovering economy since the depths of the Great Recession. The bottom line is that there are more Animal Health jobs and Veterinary jobs that professionals can choose from.


Sharita: How long is this projected to be the case, at least within Animal Health and the Veterinary profession?


Stacy: According to the Labor Department, there was an all-time high of 6 million job openings in the United States in April. Then another record was set in June with a total of 6.2 million job openings.


Not only that, but according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a 9% growth rate is expected for Veterinary jobs between the years 2014 and 2024. Based upon that statistic, we’re looking at seven more years of job growth.


Sharita: That sounds like great news! How does your recruiting firm help professionals when it comes to Animal Health jobs and Veterinary jobs?


Stacy: We help clients and candidates achieve their goals by building long-term relationships based on trust, professionalism, and results. When we work with professionals, we focus on building relationships with them and asking about their career goals. We want to know what they want for their careers and what kind of Animal Health jobs and Veterinary jobs would interest them the most.


Then, when those jobs come across our desk, we can reach out to those professionals and present those opportunities. The thing that job seekers and candidate have to remember is that we might not have the perfect opportunity for them right now, but we could have it in three months or six months or even a year from now. And if that job seeker has established a relationship with us and we know what they want, then we’ll know to call them when we have that opportunity.


Sharita: Stacy, we’ve talked about the “hidden job market” before, too. How does that pertain to Animal Health jobs and Veterinary jobs?


Stacy: The “hidden job market” refers to those Animal Health jobs and Veterinary jobs that employers attempt to fill on a confidential basis. That means they do not advertise the jobs through traditional means, such as an online job posting. Instead, they enlist the services of an Executive search Consultant or a recruiter to partner with them and find candidates to fill the position in confidential manner.


Sharita: So that means if you don’t have a relationship with the recruiter who has been commissioned to fill the position, then you won’t know that it even exists.


Stacy: That’s correct. There are many Animal Health jobs and Veterinary job openings that exist right now that some professionals know nothing about. That’s because they haven’t made the decision to align themselves with an experienced search consultant or recruiter that works in their industry.


Sharita: What about the employer side of the equation? How does The VET Recruiter help in the filling of open Animal Health jobs and Veterinary jobs?


Stacy: Once again, we strive to build long-term relationships with employers in Animal Health and the Veterinary field. And our clients benefit from the relationships that we form with top candidates. That’s because hiring managers and company officials don’t have the time, energy, or resources to build those kinds of relationships. They don’t always know who the top candidates are, and they don’t know what goals those candidates have for their careers.


At The VET Recruiter, we speak with scores of Animal Health and Veterinary professionals every single week. As a result, we possess unique insight about what’s happening in the job marketplace. We also know who the top candidates are, what they’re seeking in a new position, and how to contact them quickly.


Sharita: The VET Recruiter also has a very detailed and proven process for filling open Animal Health jobs and Veterinary jobs, is that correct?


Stacy: Yes, that’s right. In fact, there are 20 steps involved in our executive search and recruiting process. This is a process that has been honed over the past 20 years and has been proven to yield results. Listeners can view all 20 steps in our recruiting process on The VET Recruiter website, which is www.thevetrecruiter.com.


Sharita: Now Stacy, you have more than just your recruiting process listed on your firm’s website. You also have a lot of open Animal Health and Veterinary jobs, is that correct?


Stacy: That’s right, we do. And job seekers and interested Animal Health and Veterinary Professionals can look through these open positions, nominate themselves, submit their resume, and complete our online profile. Job seekers should remember that there is NO charge to them if we place them in a position. Our clients pay our recruiting fee upon the successful placement of a candidate.


We at The VET Recruiter have open positions listed on our website at all times in multiple areas of the Animal Health industry and Veterinary profession.


Sharita: Stacy, what kind of Animal Health jobs and Veterinary jobs do you have on The VET Recruiter website?


Stacy: Well, we have a page where you can look through all of the jobs in one place, but we also have them broken down into different sections. For example, there’s a sales and marketing section within our Animal Health jobs.


Sharita: What kind of jobs are included in that section?


Stacy: The jobs in this section encompass a wide range of Animal Health sales jobs and animal health marketing jobs. The positions available include veterinary sales representatives, corporate sales representatives, sales directors, and sales trainers.


Sharita: What other sections do you have under Animal Health jobs?


Stacy: We have a section for professional services. These jobs are also wide ranging. Among the positions available include technical services veterinarians, professional services veterinarians, and are across species from companion animals to swine veterinarians for example.


Then we have a section for research and development, or R&D. There are premium Animal Health jobs available within this section. These open positions include regulatory affairs directors, regulatory affairs managers, and clinical development and product development director job openings.


We also have a Manufacturing section under Animal Health jobs and a section for positions by geographic location. The different locations are East, Mid-West, West, and Canada.


Sharita: What about the Veterinary jobs on your website? How are those broken up into different sections?


Stacy: Well, once again, visitors to the site can view all of the Veterinary jobs in one place, if they want to. However, we also have a section for Veterinary clinic jobs. There are a lot of generalist jobs in that section, including associate veterinarians, lead veterinarians, equine veterinarians, lead doctors, and medical directors.


In addition, we have a section for Veterinary specialist jobs. As the name suggests, these are veterinary specialist jobs. They include boarded veterinary surgeons, emergency veterinarians, cardiology specialists, veterinary neurologists, veterinary oncologists, and board certified dermatologists, among many others.


Then we have a section for leadership positions within Veterinary jobs. These include management positions such as regional director of operations, Veterinary practice manager, chief veterinarian, hospital manager, and director of veterinary medicine.


And of course, we have a section for positions by geographic location under Veterinary jobs. Once again, the different locations are East, Mid-West, West, and Canada.


Sharita: Wow, it seems you have a LOT of Animal Health jobs and Veterinary jobs listed on The VET Recruiter website!


Stacy: We do, and that’s because our clients have entrusted us with their most important, high-level, and urgent positions.


Sharita: In previous podcasts, we’ve discussed the dangers of using the big online job boards to conduct a job search because your application and resume can get lost or not get noticed. How is The VET Recruiter different?


Stacy: There are couple of main ways that we’re different.


First, when you post your resume to a job board, you lose control of that resume. Just about anyone can view your resume, even your current employer. At the VET Recruiter, we handle resumes in a confidential fashion. Nobody sees the resume but us, and if the job seeker grants their permission, then one of our clients see it.


Second, when you post your resume on a big job board, there’s no guarantee that anybody at the company is actually going to see it. There’s a chance that it’s simply going to get lost or be dismissed. At the VET Recruiter, there is someone who sees the resumes and applications submitted on a daily basis. With us, you receive more personal interaction and a consultative approach to your job search and career. We believe that’s the way to build long-lasting relationships to help professionals find great Animal Health and Veterinary jobs.


Sharita: Stacy, thanks once again for sharing so much with us today.


Stacy: Thank you, Sharita. I look forward to our next podcast!

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