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How to Get a New Veterinarian Job in 2023

The job market is good right now for veterinarians, namely because it’s a candidate’s market, one in which candidates hold the leverage in the majority of hiring situations. This especially the case for the best candidates in the market, which is typically defined as the top 5% to 10%.

And as good as the job market has been for job seekers and candidates, 2023 should be just as good—if not better.

2023: the year to get a new veterinarian job

The reason that 2023 could be an even better time to get a veterinarian job stems from a couple of reasons. First, the unemployment rate in the Veterinary profession is nearly non-existent. According to the job search site Zippia, the unemployment rate in the profession has dropped from 1.0% in 2013 to about 0.2%.

In addition, according to numbers released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) in September of 2022, veterinarian jobs are expected to grow by 19% between the years 2021 and 2031. That means, of course, that 2023 will be another year for growth in terms of Veterinary jobs. (And for the purposes of the BLS numbers, we’re talking about veterinarian jobs, which means the people who are eligible to fill the positions have a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine.)

However, a new veterinarian job is not going to just “fall into your lap.” There are certain things that you must do to take full advantage of the current market conditions and grow your career.

With that in mind, below are five steps for getting a great new veterinarian job in 2023:

#1—Be open to opportunity.

This means multiple things. First, it means being open to hearing about an opportunity. Second, it means being open to considering the opportunity once you’ve heard about it. And third, it means being open to exploring the opportunity once you’re heard about it and considered it. After all, you can’t take advantage of an opportunity if you don’t do these three things.

You would be surprised by how many people say “No” to an opportunity without even hearing what the opportunity is. And saying “No” to an opportunity without at least hearing about it is NOT the way to get a great new veterinarian job in 2023.

#2—Be proactive and not reactive.

Don’t just sit and wait for “life to come to you.” Life doesn’t work that way, and more importantly, success doesn’t work that way. When you’re proactive and you make things happen, you’re moving from a position of strength.

When you’re not proactive, you don’t make things happen and you usually have to react what happens TO you. In that situation, you’re moving from a position of weakness as opposed to a position of strength.

#3—Commit to continuous learning and education.

The value that you can offer to an employer is your biggest asset as a Veterinary professional. The more value that you can offer, the more that you can grow your Veterinary career, in 2023 and beyond.

Plan to attend one or more of the tradeshows or conventions that are held in the Veterinary profession every year. One such event is the VMX conference which is held in January in Orlando. Another such event is the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Convention, which is held each summer. Events like the VMX Conference and the AVMA Convention offer a great opportunity to acquire new knowledge, while at the same time networking with other people within the profession. Which leads us to the next item on our list . . .

#4—Network, network, network!

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “It’s not what you know, but who you know.” I believe that to be partly true because it’s both what you know and who you know. In addition to committing to continuous learning and education, also commit to networking more in pursuit of a great new veterinarian job in 2023.

Yes, this does include networking on social media sites like LinkedIn, but it also includes attending tradeshows and conventions, as I mentioned above. While online networking has its place, there is no substitute for networking in a face-to-face setting. Ideally, you’ll be able to do both in 2023.

#5—Build a relationship with a Veterinary recruiter.

Don’t build a relationship with just any recruiter. Make sure that it’s an experienced and reputable recruiter. You want to work with someone who has experience placing people just like you in great new Veterinary jobs. In addition, you want to work with a recruiter and a recruiting firm that has a stellar reputation within the profession and within the employment marketplace.

There is something called the “hidden job market” to which only recruiters are privy. This market contains jobs and employment opportunities not available through traditional means, like online job postings or advertisements. Only recruiters know about this because their clients are conducting confidential searches for the right candidates. This means that if you’re not working with a recruiter, then you won’t know about these opportunities . . . and one of them could be the great new veterinarian job that you’re hoping to land in 2023.

How a Veterinary recruiter can help you in 2023

Although a candidates’ market is good for Veterinary professionals, it can present its own set of challenges. That’s because when there is so much opportunity in the job market, it can be difficult to identify which opportunities are the best to explore and which ones are not. Having a lot of options can be overwhelming unless you’re prepared to consider them and explore the ones that make the most sense to explore.

This is why working with a Veterinary recruiter can help you land a great new veterinarian job in 2023. A good Veterinary recruiter has the knowledge, the expertise, and the connections you need to help identify the right opportunities and help you decide which ones to pursue in the interest of growing your career.

If you’re looking to make a change or explore your employment options, then we want to talk with you. I encourage you to contact us or you can also create a profile and/or submit your resume for consideration.

We help support careers in one of two ways: 1. By helping Animal Health and Veterinary professionals to find the right opportunity when the time is right, and 2. By helping to recruit top talent for the critical needs of Animal Health and Veterinary organizations. If this is something that you would like to explore further, please send an email to stacy@thevetrecruiter.com.

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