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Best Practices for Starting a New Job the Right Way

Landing a new job is an exciting time. You’ve probably accepted a position that will reward you with more responsibility, a better title, and possibly increased pay and compensation. You’ll also be working with new colleagues and tackling challenging projects.

However, how do you turn that excitement into quantifiable success—and do it sooner rather than later?

While onboarding is an important component of a new employee joining an organization, not all of the onus for the onboarding falls to the employer. Sure, the employer has plenty in the way of responsibility, and they’re certainly vested in making sure that the new employee experiences success quickly.

But that new employee has a responsibility, as well. Below are some best practices for starting a new job the right way:

#1—Do work before you officially start.

What can you do? There’s plenty that you can do. Follow the social media accounts of the key executives within the organization, research the company, and learn what you can about the products and services that it offers.

But the one thing that would really set you apart (and set you up for success) is to ask your immediate supervisor what you can do before you start. This will impress them and get them even more excited about your arrival.

#2—Talk with your boss.

That leads us seamlessly to our second tip. You should definitely talk to your boss before showing up for your first day on the job. When an organization hires you, they’re doing so because they believe you can provide value. They want that value because some sort of pain exists that you can alleviate.

Consequently, this is a great time to ask your boss about that pain and what specifically you can do to alleviate it. Discuss the goals for your position and how you’ll be evaluated. In short, compare notes and connect the dots.

#3—Ask questions!

One of the best things you can do during the onboarding phase is to gather as much information as possible. You can ask questions before you start your new job, and then you should continue to ask them once you’re officially an employee.

Now obviously, you don’t want to come across as a pest or annoyance, so be strategic about asking questions and try not to monopolize any one person’s time. In addition, strive to not ask the same question twice. When people realize they only have to tell you something once, it will elevate you in their estimation.

#4—Build relationships.

Of course, asking questions leads to our fourth tip. You’ve probably heard this kernel of wisdom before: “It’s not what you know, but WHO you know.” Well, the truth be told: it’s both what you know and who you know.

When you build relationships with people, not only are you able to glean knowledge from them, but you can also gain their camaraderie and cooperation. In other words, they’ll be compelled to work with you and help in the completion of goals and projects, contributing to your success as a new employee.

Yes, landing a new job is exciting. And yes, your new employer has a responsibility to help you start on the right foot. However, you also have a responsibility.

Be proactive and engaging in your efforts to do everything you can to make an impact, providing as much value as soon as possible and branding yourself as somebody who takes initiative and solves problems.

Start your new job the right way, and you’ll increase your chances for greater professional and career success.

We help support careers in one of two ways: 1. By helping to find the right opportunity when the time is right, and 2. By helping to recruit top talent for the critical needs of organizations. If this is something you would like to explore further, please send an email to stacy@thevetrecruiter.com.

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