• The VET Recruiter
  • TVR Executive Search
Whoever Has the Best Talent Wins

Established in 1997

Your trusted partner for Animal Health and Veterinary Recruitment

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How Animal Health Recruiters Can Help You

The right Animal Health recruiters can provide a high level of value in the job market and the employment marketplace. That is because the best recruiters offer a tremendous service to both employers and to job seekers and candidates. During the recent candidates’ market, which includes the “Great Resignation,” more Animal Health recruiters have joined the ranks of the profession. As is the case with many things, quantity is not always better than quality.

In light of this, it is important to select the right recruiting firm when looking to work with Animal Health recruiters. There are two critical criteria to use when making a decision in this area:


The first criteria by which to assess an Animal Health recruiting firm is by reputation. It is crucial to work with a reputable recruiting firm, one that has built a solid reputation because it values integrity. Not only does it value integrity, but it also practices it in all aspects of its business. While it is important to deliver results as a recruiting firm, it is even more important to deliver results with a high level of integrity.


It is also important to work with a recruiting firm that has extensive experience in the Animal Health industry. Experienced recruiting firms can provide more value to their clients and their candidates than recruiting firms that do not have Animal Health experience. That level of experience translates into more expertise, and employers and candidates can leverage that expertise to their advantage.

The Animal Health industry involves supports helping a wide range of animals, including companion animals, livestock, and other animals. This care includes a number of different areas, including:

  • Food and feed
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Vaccines
  • Medical devices
  • Diagnostic products

Animals require proper food and nutrition and proper care from veterinarians. The number-one goal of those who work in the Animal Health industry is to improve the health and well-being of animals.

Animal Health recruiters for employers

Animal health recruiters provide value for both employers and for candidates. Exactly what kind of value do they provide to employers? How can they help employers identify, engage, and recruit the best candidates in the job market?

There are a number of challenges for employers looking to hire top Animal Health industry talent. That’s because we are in a candidates’ job market, one in which the best candidates have the majority of the leverage in hiring situations. The best candidates are typically the top 5% to 10% of the candidates in the job market. These are almost always passive candidates, which means that they are not actively looking for a new job. It also means that they are not looking at online job advertisements.

Consequently, it takes employers longer to find the candidates they want to interview and potentially hire. The bad news is that even if the employers are able to find suitable candidates, those candidates are often no longer available. Ultimately, that is vast waste of time, energy, and resources. And then, if that is not enough, there is a cost associated with keeping an important position open for an extended amount of time. There’s even a larger cost associated with making a bad hire.

There are four main reasons why employers use Animal Health recruiters to help them find and recruit top talent:

#1—Time and energy savings

Animal Health organizations can be overrun by resumes and applications when they are trying to hire. In such a situation, this can stop these organizations from making any real progress in their quest to find and hire qualified candidates. On other hand, Animal Health recruiters can take care of almost everything. A good Animal Health recruiter offers white glove service. This leaves employers more time and energy to devote to other tasks, thereby increasing their productivity.

#2—More passive and targeted candidates

There is nothing wrong with active job seekers. However, the majority of the top 5% to 10% of the candidates in the marketplace are typically passive candidates. This means they are not actively looking for a new job, and as such, they are not looking at online job advertisements.

Even though they are not actively looking for a new opportunity, that does not mean they would not be open to considering an opportunity. They might be open to both considering and exploring the opportunity, but they have to know about the opportunity first. Animal Health recruiters have experience approaching, contacting, and engaging top candidates before presenting an opportunity to them.

#3—A true partner during the hiring process

A real recruiting firm will not just “throw resumes” at their clients. Instead, they are a true partner throughout the entire process. This means the interviewing, hiring, and onboarding phases of the process. A recruiter’s job is not done once the hire is made. The recruiter also has to help ensure that the candidate shows up for their first day of work and that the onboarding process goes smoothly. A good recruiter wants to create a “win-win” situation for both the candidate and the employer.

#4—A workplace and workforce expert and consultant

Animal Health recruiters work “in the trenches” of the employment marketplace on a daily basis. Because of this, they know what’s happening in the job market, especially concerning trends within the Animal Health industry.

They know what the top talent is doing, and they know what the top employers are doing.  This is all information to which organizations want access, and they have access when they partner with an experienced Animal Health recruiting firm.

Animal Health recruiters for job seekers and candidates

Animal Health recruiters don’t just benefit employers, though. They also provide value to job seekers and candidates.

Below are five ways that Animal Health recruiters provide value to job seekers and candidates and help them to grow their career:

#1—Employers expect top talent to use a recruiter.

Animal health organizations enlist the services of a recruiter because they want access to the best candidates in the job market. Thus, when a recruiter presents candidates, the hiring manager is going to assume that the candidates they’re presenting represent some of the top talent available.

#2—The candidate is taken more seriously.

As an extension of #1, representation by a recruiter makes a hiring manager take notice. If a recruiter presents you to an organization, the hiring manager is going to take your candidacy more seriously than if you were to apply for the position yourself. And during the hiring process, you need every edge you can get.

#3—Fewer mistakes

Experienced Animal Health recruiters have likely navigated hundreds, if not thousands, of hiring situations, and they’ve seen just about every scenario imaginable. During that time, they are accumulated expertise and insight, both of which can be very valuable to those candidates who choose to work with them.

#4—A strategic advantage during negotiations

The negotiation stage of the hiring process is one of the most delicate, especially if an organization is about to make an offer of employment. This is where a recruiter’s experience and expertise can pay off the most. Compare this to buying a house. If you were selling or buying a house, would you want to negotiate directly with the other party or does it help the negotiations to have an experienced real estate agent handling the negotiations for you? It’s the same with a recruiter.

#5—A better final offer of employment

This is what it all boils down to: a better offer. This includes a better starting salary, a possible bonus, a better benefits package, and everything else that makes a great offer great. When you work with Animal Health recruiters and allow them to be your “talent agent,” you stand a greater chance of achieving the things you want to achieve and reaching your professional goals.

Click here to see examples of The VET Recruiter’s placements. These are all examples of real positions that we have filled in the Animal Health industry and Veterinary profession.

We also invite you to contact us for more information regarding our recruiting process and how The VET Recruiter can help your organization identify, engage, and recruit the best talent in job market.

You can also call (918) 488-3901 or (800) 436-0490 or send an email to stacy@thevetrecruiter.com.

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