Every company, department, or team has employees who can be classified as “high achievers” . . . and those who are not included in that category.
However, these employees should not be dismissed—either literally or figuratively—without attempting to motivate them to higher levels of achievement. While this naturally requires additional time, energy, and effort to accomplish, it can be done. The result is greater individual and collective productivity and ultimately, profitability.
Zenger/Folkman, a leadership development consulting company, recently conducted a research poll of employees to find out what can be done to motivate those who are, well, unmotivated. The results of the poll indicated there are six key factors that managers and team leaders can use to motivate anyone on their team—even somebody who appears to be “terminally unmotivated.
Those six factors are as follows:
1. Encouragement—Employees want to be inspired, and the best way to do that is to be positive during all interaction.
2. Trust—This is a slow process, but once employees know that you trust them, they’ll be more likely to exhibit behavior that continues to earn that trust.
3. Interest—Employees want to know that you’re genuinely interested in their professional development.
4. Communication—This is the cornerstone of all interpersonal success, and it’s no different in the workplace.
5. Honesty—This forms the foundation of trust, so honest communication regarding all issues is imperative.
6. Connection—Employees want you to know them on a personal level, too. So ask about their families, hobbies, life outside work, etc.
For the full details of the study, read this blog post by Zenger/Folkman president Joseph Folkman. h