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Whoever Has the Best Talent Wins

Established in 1997

Your trusted partner for Animal Health and Veterinary Recruitment

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Why Social Media Can’t Replace Search Firms, Part 1

Technology is always changing and advancing.  That’s one thing that’s constant, and it’s constant in all areas of life, including the world of recruiting and hiring.

In recent years, that ever-changing technology has given birth to social media.  Three of the biggest social media sites—LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter—have all evolved into platforms that can aid in hiring and recruiting new employees at your company.

However, they won’t be replacing search firms anytime soon . . . search firms that are worth their salt, anyway.  That’s because such search firms provide value that social media platforms simply can’t.

What does that value include?

  1. The ability to accurately evaluate talent, including how that talent will fit into the overall culture of your company
  2. The ability to find talent quickly, due to experience, instincts, and resources upon which social media can not rely
  3. The knowledge and insight to help your company adapt to changing market conditions, often quickly enough to stay ahead of those changes, and thus, ahead of the competition
  4. The expertise and candidate relationship skills necessary to help your company maintain high levels of retention

These are just a few of the ways in which search firms provide value that social media can not.  Identifying, recruiting, and hiring the people you need to help take your company to the next level IS an exact science.  It requires a concerted, intensive, calculated, and coordinated effort, because that kind of effort yields the desired results.

Search firms specialize in providing that kind of effort, as well as the value necessary to ensure long-term hiring and employee success.

In our next blog post, we’ll examine further why social media can’t replace search firms.

In the meantime, feel free to connect with us on //www.linkedin.com/in/stacypursell, //www.facebook.com/theVETRecruiter?ref=ts&v=wall, and //twitter.com/#!/theVETRecruiter, and if you have any questions, send an email to stacy@thevetrecruiter.com.

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