If you’re a hiring manager or authority, you may have wondered at one time or another, why you should work with a recruiter in an effort to help fill important positions. In fact, you might have asked yourself, “What value does a recruiter bring to the hiring process?”
The answer: more than you think!
Because of the nature of what they do, recruiters have the ability to save companies both time and money when it comes to attracting and hiring top talent to fill their mission-critical positions. And the advantages of doing so don’t deal with just one aspect of the interviewing and hiring process. Working with a recruiter is advantageous throughout the entire process, and here’s why:
First of all, keeping a position open is costly. The longer it’s open, the more costly it becomes, and recruiters reduce the amount of time it takes to fill a position.
Second, recruiters can locate candidates that companies can’t find on their own, namely “passive candidates” who aren’t conducting an active job search. These are the type of superstar candidates who aren’t reading job boards or website postings.
Third, recruiters streamline the process, keep everybody involved in the process on the same page, and make sure that candidates are engaged throughout the process, so that a company’s best prospect isn’t lost to a competitor’s offer.
Fourth, because of their experience and exposure to so many companies and candidates, recruiters are “marketplace experts.” They have their finger on the pulse of the industry, and their knowledge and expertise can mean the difference between landing the ideal candidate . . . and watching them slip through your fingers.
Fifth—once the ideal candidate is hired—less time, money, and energy are required to train them, because the recruiter located the candidate who possessed all of the skills and experience outlined in the job description (and upon which everybody involved in the process agreed).
Sixth, through not only their on-boarding techniques, but also their continuous follow-up efforts, recruiters help to enhance the retention levels involved with the employees they place.
Locating A-level candidates is just the beginning. Those candidates must also be recruited, guided through the interviewing process, successfully hired, and then on-boarded properly to ensure they’re engaged and more likely to remain with the company for the long term.
Recruiters have the experience and expertise that companies need to fill their ranks with the best and brightest candidates available . . . and as you can see, they’ll save you time and money in the process.