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The job market has changed in a number of different ways during the last several years. One of those ways involves the length of time that professionals spend with their employers.

It used to be that a person had to spend at least five years with each of their employers. If they didn’t, then they were labeled as a “job hopper,” which held a negative connotation. However, that is no longer the case.

It’s a fact that people change jobs more frequently these days, and this is now considered the norm in the employment marketplace. In fact, doing so is more common with the Millennial Generation. Members of that group change jobs as frequently as every 18 months to two years.

As a result, employers do not dismiss candidates who’ve had multiple jobs in a relatively short amount of time. In fact, quite the opposite has become the case. Employers are beginning to dismiss candidates who have been with their current employer for a longer length of time, especially if it’s 10 years or more. Employers are hesitant to consider these candidates because they’re afraid that the candidates are out-of-date with current trends or they lack all of the skills necessary for the position.

Whether it’s reality or not, it’s the perception of reality that matters. Being open to opportunity means being willing to take risks and pursue other jobs, even if they fall outside of your comfort zone.

In today’s marketplace, those who are willing to take risks and take them often are more likely to be rewarded in the long run.

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