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4 Things Your Employer Might Do When You Resign

Accepting an offer of employment from another company and starting down the path of a great new career opportunity is certainly exciting.  However, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows.

After all, you have to resign from your current employer.

To be sure, this situation can be wrought with stress and anxiety.  Unfortunately, the more valuable you are to your company, the more stressful it can become.  However, part of the stress is not knowing what could happen.

As you may imagine, though, certain patterns have emerged down through the years, patterns that help take the unpredictability out of the situation.

Below are four things your employer might do when you tender your resignation:

#1—Send you home.  This has been known to happen.  Keep in mind that you will more than likely still get paid for the two weeks you would have worked, plus whatever vacation pay and severance pay is coming to you.  Also, don’t be surprised if a security guard escorts you to the door, and if that’s the case, aren’t you glad that you’re going to work for somebody else?

#2—Attempt to make you feel guilty.  Yes, you’re an important employee, and yes, you’re working on important projects, but the company is not going to completely collapse just because you’re leaving.

#3—Try to pry information out of you.  This might be done in ways that don’t seem obvious.  In fact, it may even seem friendly in both nature and tone.  However, any information you provide about where you’re going could be used against you in an attempt to convince you to stay.

#4—Make a counter-offer.  This is the last-ditch effort to keep you, but of course, why wasn’t this extra money or compensation offered to you before now?  You already know the answer to that question, and that’s why it’s best to keep moving forward.

Keep in mind that you might experience more than one of these things after you submit your resignation.  Your boss could try to pry information out of you and then send you home . . . or make you a counter-offer.  In quite a few cases, though, a counter-offer is part of the process.

That’s why, as we’ve stated before in both our newsletter and our blog, when you accept an offer of employment, you’re giving your word to the company that made the offer.

No matter what your current employer does—or doesn’t do—after you submit your resignation, you should keep your word and prepare to start the exciting next chapter of your career.

We help support careers in one of two ways: 1. By helping find the right opportunity when the time is right, and 2. By helping recruit top talent for the critical needs of organizations.  If this is something you would like to explore further, please send an email to stacy@thevetrecruiter.com.


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