In this newsletter, we strive to provide case studies regarding actual events in the marketplace. We believe this is one of the best ways to address issues that are happening right now and affect people just like you.
We have two more case studies this month, and they serve as two real-life examples of the benefits of working with an executive recruiter in your job search. Both of these examples happened within the span of the same week.
In the first example, I sent a candidate’s resume to one of our clients. Then I called the hiring manager to tell him how excited I was about the candidate, and he agreed to interview them. The hiring manager was so impressed with the candidate during the first interview that he set up a second interview with her.
He later told me that he would not have interviewed the candidate if I had not encouraged him to do so. Why is that? Because he wasn’t able to tell from her resume all of the great things she had accomplished. However, when he actually spoke to her, he was blown away by what a great fit she was for the position.
Sometimes, all a candidate needs is to “get their foot in the door.” This candidate just needed to talk with the hiring manager face-to-face. She wasn’t able to get that chance on her own, but by partnering with an executive recruiting firm (namely ours), we were able to make it happen.
Just a few days later, another candidate thanked me for setting her up with two interviews within the past week. She said that she had been applying directly to companies for open positions, but she wasn’t able to get any interviews.
However, once she partnered with our recruiting firm, she was able to land two interviews relatively quickly.
These examples illustrate the benefits of working with an experienced and knowledgeable recruiter. Just some of those benefits are listed below:
- More exposure in the marketplace
- Greater positioning within the hiring process
- Insider information regarding important aspects of the position and company
- Increased chance of landing a face-to-face interview
Are you looking for benefits such as these? Are you seeking an edge over other candidates in a competitive marketplace?
Consider partnering with an executive search firm in your niche, one that has the expertise to serve as a job search guide and career consultant. It could very well give you the edge you need for greater professional growth and satisfaction.
We help support careers in one of two ways: 1. By helping to find the right opportunity when the time is right, and 2. By helping to recruit top talent for the critical needs of organizations. If this is something you would like to explore further, please send an email to stacy@thevetrecruiter.com.